Address Block

From Bitmessage Wiki
Revision as of 06:40, 3 September 2013 by AyrA (talk | contribs)
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An Address block is an entry in the clients keys.dat file. It looks like this:

[Bitmessage address in format BM-...]
label = Name of Address shown in client
enabled = true/false
decoy = true/false
privsigningkey = Hash to sign message
privencryptionkey = Hash to encrypt message
lastpubkeysendtime = Unix timestamp of last key broadcast
noncetrialsperbyte = Integer showing difficulty
payloadlengthextrabytes = Integer showing extra bytes required

some values may not be present, if the Address was generated with earlier versions of the client.


Editing an Address Block can be dangerous. Users are advised to back up the keys.dat before doing so.


Deleting the address block removes the address from the client. More Information, when or why this should be done can be found in the plausible deniability article.