Keys.dat options

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This page lists the extra 'hidden' options of which you can make use by adding them to your keys.dat file in the bitmessagesettings section. These options are either not set by default or are not documented at all.

Possible options

Version Name Values Documentation Description
(?)0.4.4 maxcores integer undocumented Use no more than this many threads/cores to calculate proofs of work. Only applicable when using the Python PoW and running from source (when running from an executable made with the likes of pyinstaller/py2app, only one core is used for PoW). The C PoW detects the number of cores and compares them to the processor affinity settings, so you can specify the cores the PoW should use by using sysadmin tools.
(?)0.4.4 trustedpeer IP:Port undocumented Connect to the specified node and only the specified node. Useful if you trust a node on your local network and want to sync to it quickly. Disallows incoming connections. Disables the built-in timing attack mitigation mechanism.
(?)0.4.4 willinglysendtomobile true/false undocumented This is not fully implemented and may result in errors so leave it at false
(?)0.4.4 maxdownloadrate integer undocumented Maximum download speed, in kilobytes (bytes * 1000) per second, together across all connections. Set to 0 for unrestricted.
(?)0.4.4 maxuploadrate integer undocumented Maximum upload speed, in kilobytes (bytes * 1000) per second, together across all connections. Set to 0 for unrestricted
0.6.0 ttl integer undocumented The expiration of newly send messages, in seconds. Previously, messages sent from Bitmessage had a fixed TTL of 2 days, now you can configure them. In the GUI, you can use the slider in the "Send" tab to adjust this. Minimum is 1 hours, maximum is 28 days
0.6.0 upnp true/false undocumented If yes, will use UPnP to try to establish port mapping so that it can accept incoming connections over firewall/NAT.
0.6.0 extport integer undocumented Port that is used by the external firewall/router. Only has an effect if using UPnP. This is mainly so that when restarting, it remembers the last port and does not unnecessarily request a different one.
0.6.0 trayonclose true/false undocumented If yes, when closing (Alt-F4, clicking the X in the window title, and so on), instead of exiting, it closes the main window and stays in the system tray
0.2.7 apienabled true/false API Reference Turns the API on or off
0.2.7 apiport integer API Reference Port number to listen on (0-65535)
0.2.7 apiinterface IP API Reference IP address of a local interface. for localhost only access and for all interfaces.
0.2.7 apiusername string API Reference Username to access the API
0.2.7 apipassword string API Reference password to access the API

enabling options

To enable an option, the keys.dat must be edited. Lines of the format

name = Value

can be added. Please be aware of the spacing around the equal sign