Protocol specification v3

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This is a DRAFT for the protocol version 3. It describes the changes in protocol version 3 versus version 2. Things which are unchanged from version 2 are not described in detail. So you should use this as a reference for all formates which are not mentioned in this description.

Message types

Most message types are unchanged from version 2 to version 3. Only the four "objecttype" messages are not valid any more. They are summerized into one single message.


The version message is identically to protocol version 2. you can lookup details here


The verack message is identically to protocol version 2. you can lookup details here


The addr message is identically to protocol version 2. you can lookup details here


The inv message is identically to protocol version 2. you can lookup details here


The getdata message is identically to protocol version 2. you can lookup details here

Object type

The four former object types "getpubkey", "pubkey", "msg" and "broadcast" are summarizes into a single Message type "object". The four Messages as they did exist in version 2 protocol are not valid any more.

Objects are shared throughout a stream. A client should advertise objects until thair end of life time is reached. To be a valid object, the Proof Of Work has to be done.

Field Size Description Data type Comments
8 POW nonce uint64_t Random nonce used for the Proof Of Work
8 time uint32_t The "end of life" time of this object. Objects shall be broadcast until its end of life time has been reached. The node shall store the inventory vector of that object for at least anouther hour to avoid reloading it from another node with a small time delay.
4 object type uint32_t this field specifies the content of the object.

Valis valies are (at the moment) 0-"getpubkey", 1-"pubkey", 2-"msg", 3-"broadcast". all other values are reserved. Nodes shall transport objects with unknown types, too. This will make furter protocol changes more easy.

? payload uchar[] this field varies depending on the object type.